Discover a world of calming sensations with our thoughtfully curated collection
of Sensory Integration Products. Designed to provide a wide range of sensory
input, these products can help individuals of all ages manage sensory
sensitivities, improve focus, and promote relaxation. Explore our selection of
calming cushions, stimulating vests, and soothing blankets, and find the perfect
sensory tools to support your unique needs.
The Protac Ball Cushion® has been
proven effective in alleviating balance
problems and training muscle tone, as the
movement of the balls brings the body
beyond its center of gravity. To restore
balance, one will automatically change
position and sit up straight. The dynamic
sitting position trains the muscles around
the abdomen, back and lower back.
Muscle tone increases in the postural
muscles and one assumes a more upright
posture, which alleviates the back.
The Protac GroundMe Sensory Foot Pad®
is a Sensory-stimulating foot and seating
cushion that provides support while
stimulating the sense of touch and the
muscle-joint sense through deep,
dynamic pressure to calm restless feet.
Protac GroundMe® relieves motor
restlessness, learning difficulties and
sharpens concentration.
Benefits people with ADHD, autism,
dementia and Restless Legs syndrome.
Can be used as a floor cushion for smaller
children. The touch-pressure and
movement of the balls promote calm and
Protac KneedMe® is a sensory-
stimulating knee blanket that rests on the
lap, covering the knees and thighs. The
balls in the knee blanket stimulate the
sense of touch and the muscle-joint sense
through deep and dynamic touch-
pressure, thus promoting improved body
awareness. For those with restless hands,
they can keep their hand active or tucked
away in the outer pocket. The knee
blanket can be used during seated
activities, rest and meals in both
wheelchairs and ordinary chairs.
Protac MyFit Sensory Vest® alleviates
physical unrest, learning difficulties and
sharpens concentration.
For children and adults, and benefits
people with anxiety, ADHD, autism,
psychiatric disorders, dementia, and
brain damage. . Specialized therapists use
Protac MyFit® as an aid to sensory
integration therapy and motor-skill
training. The vest is used during cognitive
training, speech therapy and ADL
training. The increased body awareness
that the vest provides can also have a
pain-relieving effect
Protac SensCircle Multi Pillow® relieves
mental and motor restlessness,
sharpening concentration.
Benefits people with anxiety, ADHD,
autism, and other disorders. . Training
therapists use Protac SensCircle ® as an
aid for motor training. Can be used as part
of a motor course to challenge balance
and coordination, or lying on one’s
stomach to train the neck muscles
Protac SensOn Sensory Neck Collar® is a
sensory-stimulating neck collar with
balls in it, creating security and
tranquility for the user. The collar fits
naturally around the neck, shoulders and
chest, and the weight of the balls relaxes
the muscles in the neck. It can have a
calming effect and reduce restlessness
and anxiety. The collar is discreet to use
and contributes to a better body
sensation, concentration and learning
The Protac® Sensory Blanket works well
as a tool for sensory integration
treatment and motor training in sensory
rooms and clinics. The blanket can also be
used as preparation for therapy and
training sessions, so that the user is
relaxed, collected and ready for training.
The pressure and movement of the balls
also dampens spasticity and provides relaxation.
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